
Second Prize for Humanities Alumnus at National End of Studies Awards

Xavier Gómez Artiola, a graduate of the UIC's Faculty of Humanities, has won second prize at the National Awards for the End of University Studies for the 2010-2011 academic year. The prizes are awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

According to the official text of the call for applications, the aim of the awards is to “reward those students who have demonstrated particular brilliance throughout their university studies”. It is the most prestigious official distinction in the academic world, and students wishing to be considered for it must have achieved an average score in excess of nine out of ten (for those studying Arts and Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences, Health Sciences or Science) or eight out of ten (for those studying Engineering or Architecture) over the course of their degree.

In this year’s awards process there were 55 national-prize winners, who received the sum of €3,300; 54 second-prize winners, who received €2,650; and 52 third-prize winners, who received €2,200.