
Senén Florensa Opens Conference on Mediterranean Cities

Senén Florensa, the President of the Executive Committee of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), opened the conference "The City and Relationship Dynamics in the Mediterranean" held on Thursday and Friday, 10-11 April 2014. The inauguration was presided over by Javier Junceda, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Law.

The conference was held at the headquarters of the Catalan Society of Legal Studies, an affiliate of the Institute for Catalan Studies, with the aim of doing a study on the Mediterranean as a melting pot of cultures and a place for the exchange of goods, ideas and culture, despite all the conflicts over the years.

The knowledge of civilization and culture in what are now called Mediterranean cities has become a privileged tool for understanding and accepting differences, establishing integrating relationships, and speaking about peace and understanding between peoples

Moreover, the relationship dynamics in Mediterranean cities form the basis of the European cultural tradition. The city is a living place that allows for a network of relationships and that becomes a platform for being in touch with social reality. Each city is therefore a laboratory for analysing the features of this human dimension that generates connection and communication at different levels with others and with the environment

Besides the IEMed President, also participating in the conference were Anwar Zibaoui, the General Coordinator of the Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME); George Loutfi, the Lebanese Consul in Barcelona; Gregorio Luri, a philosopher and writer; Enric Vendrell, the Director of Religious Affairs of the Regional Government of Catalonia; and journalist Tomàs Alcoverro, one of the Arab world's best-known observers of Europe.