
St. George's Day at the UIC

Roses for charity, used books sold as part of the Recycling Culture initiative, St. George's Day lunch, the inaugural Rector's Chess Tournament, a concert by the UIC Choir and the opening of an art exhibition on Gaudí: these are just some of the activities taking place today as part of the festivities for St. George's Day. Additionally, they all form part of Culture Week, which will be taking place throughout the week on both UIC campuses.

The University is currently celebrating Culture Week: seven days in which the University community can take part in activities ranging from theatre, cinema and art to charity work and sports. The aim is to bring culture out of the classroom and get the entire community involved. With this in mind, the Theatre Groups on both campuses are performing their plays and the Faculty of Communication Sciences is launching its first micro-video competition. The programme of activities is available on the Culture Week website.

This year, St. George’s Day is both the first and the main day for all the activities that make up Culture Week. All day, staff and students will be able to purchase used books as part of the Recycling Culture initiative and buy roses for charity, with the profits to go towards this year’s summer camps organized by the UIC. Additionally, a special St. George’s Day lunch menu is available at Passeig de la Fontana on Barcelona campus, while there will also be an opportunity to enjoy a gospel concert performed by the UIC Choir and the inaugural performance of the play Momo by the Barcelona campus Theatre Group.