
Three UIC Academics Present Book of New Coordinates for Corporate Ethics

Drs. Rita Cavallotti and Carlos Rey have written a book entitled Noves coordenades ètiques per a la societat i les seves institucions (?New Ethical Coordinates for Society and Its Institutions?), edited by Dr. Miquel Bastons. The book is published by Prohom Edicions, with the support of the Department of Management by Missions and Corporate Governance.

New Ethical Coordinates for Society and Its Institutions collates the results of the research conducted by the group Managing 21st-century Organizations, which is led by Dr. Bastons and made up of academics from six different universities.

In the book, the authors assess the validity of the guidelines and reference-points for individual and collective behaviour that society has accepted up to now, with a view to presenting new approaches to decision-making and the management of companies and institutions.

The book is divided into two parts, with the first tackling more general societal issues – such as human rights – and analysing them from fresh perspectives. In contrast, the second part focuses on companies, which have recently taken on a decisive role in our pursuit of personal achievement (a role that was previously played by the State and other social institutions).