
Toni Mora Chairs Scientific Committee at Health Economics Conference

Toni Mora, the Dean of the UIC's Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, chaired the Scientific Committee at the 34th edition of the Health Economics Conference. The event, which took place at the Universidad Pública de Navarra from Wednesday to Friday, 28-30 May 2014, brought together 400 experts from 17 different countries to discuss the future of healthcare management in the current economic climate.

The conference began on Wednesday with a talk from Alfonso Carlosena, the Vice Rector for Research at the Universidad Pública de Navarra. Also taking part were Cristina Ibarrola, the General Director for Health at the Government of Navarra; Marta Trapero, the President of the Health Economics Association; Eduardo Sánchez Iriso, the Chair of the Organizing Committee for the conference; and Toni Mora, the Chair of the Scientific Committee.

The event was attended by over 400 experts, who discussed current issues such as management models for health services, long-term care and chronic diseases, preventing smoking, and dealing with the problem of dependence in today’s adverse economic climate. Other topics included the importance of assessing health policy in order to ensure the best decisions are taken, in both the public and private spheres.