
UIC Barcelona and ESDi-URL cooperate in the matters of art and culture

The universities have signed a cooperation agreement for joint organisation of common interest linked to the UIC Barcelona Master's Degree in Cultural Management and to be taught by ESDi-URL Master's Degree in Digital Art Curatorship teachers

UIC Barcelona and the ESDi School of Design, a centre associated to the Ramon Llull University, have signed a cooperation agreement for the joint organisation of common interest activities related to the Master's Degree in Cultural Management under the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Humanities, to be taught by ESDi-URL Master’s Degree in Digital Art Curatorship teachers.

 The growing interest in digital art in a current context in which digital culture is becoming increasingly relevant, was the turning point for cooperation between both institutions. Starting this academic year, the UIC Barcelona Master’s Degree in Cultural Management, with more than twenty years of educational experience in cultural management, will have six sessions on culture and digital art, emerging technologies and their impact on artistic practices, cultural practices, trends and market in the digital art industry. These sessions will be taught by ESDi teachers, due to their expertise in this subject, with the Master’s Degree in Digital Art Curatorship, which is the first and only national master’s degree dedicated specifically to the digital art curatorship.

 Therefore, the aim is to include the digital contemporary context and an introduction to digital artistic practice to the cultural management studies at UIC Barcelona. This alliance will also allow students from both university institutions to attend extraordinary sessions or joint master classes the two official master’s programmes.

 According to Clara Laguillo, ESDi-URL Master’s Degree in Digital Art Curatorship coordinator, “this cooperation will allow everyone to learn a little more about this master’s degree programme. Our challenge is to transmit the critical spirit and conceptual system to UIC Barcelona students that would allow them to have access to tools in cultural management as well as those in the digital art sector.”

 To Christoph Pasour, director of the Master’s Degree in Cultural Management at UIC Barcelona, this cooperation offers students the opportunity to learn about an area of artistic creation that “always explores the limits and possibilities of artistic creation, in the context of the latest technological advances.” “This agreement also opens a space for students to reflect and understand where we are now in terms of aesthetics and concepts with artistic creation and where we will be heading in the future. We believe that this vision is necessary, especially for professional profiles of future cultural managers,” Pasour says.