
UIC Barcelona inaugurates the academic year with a job insertion rate of 93.75%

Today, UIC Barcelona opened the 2023-2024 academic year with a ceremony in the University’s Aula Magna lecture hall. The ceremony featured an inaugural speech by the co-founder and executive president of Holaluz, Carlota Pi. The ceremony was led by the vice-dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Pere Buhigas, and attended by around 400 people, including academic authorities, rectors from other Catalan universities and members of the university community.

The ceremony, led by the vice-dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Pere Buhigas, began with the traditional academic procession, accompanied by a music performance by the Bonaigua Choir.

The dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Marta Mas, presented the speaker of the main opening speech, Carlota Pi, co-founder and executive president of Holaluz, who gave a speech titled “La revolución de los tejados [The revolution of the rooftops].” PI addressed the attendees and explained how only thirteen years ago she started the company and currently provides electricity service to more than 325,000 customers and manages more than 12,500 photovoltaic installations.

Following the opening speech, Victòria Girona, general director of Universities, who stepped in for Minister Joaquim Nadal who was unable to attend. Girona’s speech emphasised that UIC Barcelona is among the 130 best universities in Europe and pointed out that “people are the fundamental focus of our university activity. “We have to go deeper in the comprehensive training of students, encouraging their skills, but also their employment and entrepreneurship.”

Rector Alfonso Méndiz closed the event with a speech in which he stressed the importance of “reflection” and “critical spirit” in an everchanging and uncertain scenario where the university plays a crucial role as a source of knowledge. Méndiz explained that “critical thinking, the search for truth, placing people at the centre, personal excellence and social commitment are values that define us, and for this reason, are embodied in our most representative classroom.” The rector also referred to the University’s Strategic Plan for the next five years (2023-2028), highlighting the four axes on which the University works. “We want to be a global university, a sustainable university, a humanist university and an innovative university,” he said.

The event ended with the traditional singing of the Gaudeamus Igitur, and the 2023-2024 academic year was officially opened.

UIC Barcelona in figures

During the event, the academic report for the 2022-2023 academic year, which is available on the Transparency Portal, was read . The secretary general of the University, Belén Castro, highlighted the high percentage of employment for UIC Barcelona graduates, which stands at 93.75%, compared to the Catalan university system average of 91%, according to the latest data released by AQU Catalunya.

The secretary general reviewed the most important milestones in teaching, research and knowledge transfer and the social commitment actions promoted by the Institution during the previous year, in which the University’s 25 years were commemorated.

In terms of research and transfer, she highlighted that three new business chairs were created, one with Medicalfit and two with Soadco, thanks to which UIC Barcelona now has 16 business chairs and 5 business classrooms.

She also highlighted that in the 2022-2023 academic year, UIC Barcelona had 12 patent families in force; signed 49 research and transfer agreements with external entities, both nationally and internationally; and the SGR call for 2021 was resolved, with which UIC Barcelona has 24 recognised research groups.

In terms of internationalisation, during the 2022-2023 academic year the University has expanded its alliances with universities in other countries, and 29 new mobility agreements were signed. Today, it has 361 mobility agreements in 58 countries, and, because of these agreements, it offers a total of 38 international double bachelor’s degrees.

The University’s social commitment was demonstrated by the data from the Grants and Student Financial Aid Programme (6 million euros), the International Cooperation Plan (Cooper Plan) developed by the University, as well as national and international volunteering actions, to which more than 1,000 volunteers were added last year.

After reviewing these milestones, the secretary general presented a video that showed the 2023-2024 academic year in figures and images, which was the finishing touch to the 25th anniversary celebration.