
UIC Barcelona internally closes its first quarter of a century in the University Faculty Closing Session

Thursday, 20 July, the university faculty closing session for the 2022-2023 academic year was held today in the UIC Barcelona Aula Magna lecture theatre. Led by University Rector Alfonso Méndiz, the event closed the 25th anniversary celebrations internally, with a review of this very special year. The novelty on this occasion was the tribute paid to the people who have been with the institution for twenty-five years

Alfonso Méndiz, rector of the University, led the closing session and thanked the community for their commitment and involvement in the 25th anniversary commemorative events, which he described as memorable.

During the event, the appointments and renewals of board positions for the next year were made public by the secretary general, Belén Castro.

As is usual in the closing session, members of the Board of Governors reviewed the year and advanced the lines of work for the upcoming year. The general manager, Josep Maria Torné, and vice-rectorates of Research, Teaching Staff, Planning and Quality and University Community, Cristina Monforte, Josep Clotet and Esther Jiménez, respectively, gave their respective reports. Lastly, Jiménez gave way to a video of the best moments of UIC Barcelona’s quarter century celebration.

One of the most endearing moments occurred at the end of the session, when the commemorative medals were given to the people who have been with the institution for ten years. This year, a special tribute was also paid to those who have been at UIC Barcelona for 25 years from the very beginning.

The rector closed the event with the presentation of the strategic plan for the next five years, 2023-2028, thanked again the work done during this last year to celebrate the University’s 25 years, and the contribution of those who made it possible to reach this point.