
UIC Barcelona signs an agreement with Pace University of New York

The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya is offering its law students the possibility of studying the master’s degree in environmental law in the United States with a qualification that makes them eligible to take the BAR exam to become a lawyer in the US system.

UIC Barcelona has recently signed an agreement with the prestigious Pace University in New York (USA), which allows students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Law and the Master's Degree in Law (MUA) to study a Master's Degree in Environmental Law. The North American university is also offering UIC Barcelona students the possibility of doing an extra semester to take the BAR exam, the entrance exam to law in the United States, to practice as a lawyer in the country.

With this agreement, Pace University offers four pathways of the Master of Laws (LLM) in Environmental Law for law graduates from UIC Barcelona. The specialisations are in: Environmental Law (general degree), Global Environmental Law, Land Use and Sustainable Development Law, and Energy and Climate Change Law.

As explained by the Faculty, through this agreement students can access this  specialisation which is quickly growing due to increasing global concern for the protection of the environment and sustainability. They will study issues related to the conservation of natural resources, waste management, climate change and renewable energies, among others. “The relevance of Environmental Law has increased significantly in recent decades due to global environmental challenges, international commitments such as the Paris Agreement and the growing social and political awareness of the need to protect the environment,” explained Dr Maria Mut, lawyer, lecturer of international and EU law at UIC Barcelona and mobility coordinator at the Faculty of Law

The expert in international law emphasised the importance of being able to study an LLM in Environmental Law in New York, “one of the legal and financial capitals of the world, which offers specialised and updated training in a very relevant legal discipline with great professional projection,” concluded Dr Mut. In addition, the jurist highlighted the possibility of carrying out the master’s degree work placements in important international institutions such as the United Nations.  

With this new international double degree, UIC Barcelona continues its work of opening doors to students to develop their professional careers abroad, practising in international law firms, multinational companies and non-governmental organisations and international entities. “At the Faculty of Law are constantly working to create bridges and possibilities for professional development in the legal and environmental field at an international level,” said Dr María Fernández Arrojo, dean of the Faculty.

UIC Barcelona currently offers 45 double international degrees and has 451 mobility agreements in 63 countries.