
UIC Barcelona students learn how to improve their personal brand through their LinkedIn profile

UIC Barcelona Alumni & Careers has organized on both campuses the second workshop on key points to correctly develop a personal brand on social networks

The aim of these workshops was to identify actions that would improve positioning and visibility of professional profiles on LinkedIn. To this end, it was a practical session, in small groups and with real examples.

The University’s social media strategist, Natàlia Prats, was responsible for leading the two sessions accompanied in Barcelona by Natalia Carrer from Alumni & Careers, and in Sant Cugat by Mayra Garcia Nieto, director of Communication.

They explained that the key to everything is learning to value ourselves, being careful with our digital footprint and devoting sufficient time to achieving a good personal brand. And with this in mind, as Prats reminded, “you are not building your personal brand alone; others are also part of the building process.”

During the workshops, the speakers gave the key points on making the most of LinkedIn. In a participatory format, attendees were able to ask questions and express concerns, and directly observe how a social network profile works and became familiar with its use.

This session is part of a series of onsite workshops organised by UIC Barcelona Alumni & Careers on the University’s two campuses.