
UIC Coaching Experience Presented at PUSC International Conference «Personal Flourishing in Organizations»

On Monday and Tuesday, 24-25 February 2014, Evaristo Aguado and Edith Castellarnau, the Director and Deputy Director of the UIC's Training, Counselling and Coaching Office, took part in the International Conference «Personal Flourishing in Organizations»at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (PUSC), where they gave a presentation on the UIC's coaching experience.

The conference, which was organized by the PUSC Faculty of Philosophy and the Markets, Culture and Ethics Research Centre, addressed the relationship between business ethics and personal development.

Evaristo Aguado, the Director of the Training, Counselling and Coaching Office, delivered a lecture titled “Coaching at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya: an experience based on the art of individuals' holistic development in the exercise of their freedom”, in which he described some of the keys to the success of this personal development tool at the university.

During the opening of the conference, special mention was made of the UIC's collaboration with the PUSC, especially a seminar on coaching held in September 2013 and given by Evaristo Aguado and Edith Castellarnau themselves.