
The UIC Creates Albert J. Jovell Awards to Promote Healthcare Innovation

The Albert J. Jovell awards are now a reality. Networking Faculties, an initiative made up of researchers from the UIC and three other Spanish universities (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the Universidad de Málaga) with the support of Janssen Pharmaceuticals, has organized this project in order to promote and enhance innovation in healthcare.

The awards will be officially announced on the first anniversary of Dr. Albert J. Jovell’s death in November 2014 and will be presented for the first time in November 2015. Both events will take place on the UIC’s Barcelona campus and the researchers involved are working hard to ensure the awards become a benchmark in Spain.

Dr. Albert J. Jovell, who passed away on 26 November 2013, was the founder and first Director of the UIC’s Global Institute of Public Health and Health Policy. Dr. Jovell promoted the UIC-Janssen Innovation Programme in Health Policy, through which he became part of the Networking Faculties initiative.

The awards were organized by a working group made up of Networking Faculties members who will establish the terms for participation and will decide the categories and amounts to be awarded. A spokesperson from Networking Faculties said, “We’d like these awards to reflect the values and career of Dr. Albert J. Jovell, a committed defender of patients’ rights and healthcare innovation”.