
The UIC, FHAG, Althaia, HGC and Quirón Share Research at Latest LINK© Day

The LINK© Day research seminar was held on the UIC Sant Cugat campus on the afternoon of Thursday, 6 March 2014. The aim of the event was to present information on projects being carried out at the UIC and at the teaching hospitals and associated medical centres with which the UIC has agreements.

In addition to members of the Faculties of Dentistry and Medicine and Health Sciences, representatives from the Hospital Asil de Granollers Foundation (FHAG), the Althaia Hospital Network in Manresa, the Hospital General de Catalunya (HGC) and Quirón Hospital in Barcelona were also present.

The seminar was coordinated by Dr. Àngels Martos, the Assistant Dean for Research of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dr. Albert Balaguer, the Dean of the Faculty, gave the opening address. The first speaker was Dr. Lluís Giner, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, who drew attention to the UIC’s eagerness to engage in research from its very beginnings. Dr. Giner recalled how doctoral programmes were offered in the University's second year. He said, “The skills required for research – patience, perseverance and a love of truth – are of great importance for students”.

Approximately thirty people gave presentations at the seminar. In line with the LINK© Day philosophy, twenty-five of the presentations were five minutes long, during which time the speaker spoke briefly about the basic ideas of each project. After the presentations, anyone interested in a particular project could “click” on the speaker in question to elicit more information, just as they would use a hyperlink.

The presentations included research projects on topics such as sleep disorders, stem cell research, clinic and hospital management, clinical practice, and educational innovation.

The seminar achieved its objectives as defined by Dr. Balaguer, who said, “The seminar is about pooling both positive and negative experiences. We love mistakes because we learn from them". The closing lecture was given by Dr. Josep Clotet, the Director of the Department of Basic Sciences.