
UIC Language Department Members Present current research at the First annual Congress on Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning in Higher Education.

Three professors from the language Department represented UIC at the HEPCLIL congress held at the Universitat de Vic on March 27 and 28.

The conference, which focused on recent research and innovative teaching approaches in higher education, attracted major international figures in the field of Content and Language Integrated Learning, an innovative approach to teaching content through language, an integral part of the teaching program in the language department.

Mandy Deal presented her recent research on Interactional Competence and Epistemic  Practices in Academic Group Activity among Dental Students.

Emilee Moore, head of the department, presented preliminary results on one of the lines of research of the department, collaborative projects between language department and health science faculty members.

Joan Ploettner presented recent research exploring the effects of peer assessment on learning behaviors in higher education.

In line with the UIC policy, the Language Department continues to actively participate in and disseminate quality research to contribute to our reputation as a front-line institution in professional development.