
UIC Nursing Studies Expert Committee Meets

On Tuesday, 6 May 2014, the annual meeting of the UIC Nursing Studies Expert Committee took place on the Barcelona campus. The committee's objective is to work with the heads of degree programmes in order to create an educational model that addresses real healthcare needs.

The UIC has made a strong commitment to contribute to society by offering a professional and humanist model of nursing. Its objective is to train students to become respected professionals who understand, share and accept that their work is the pursuit of truth, a commitment to the society they serve and a mission that places the patient first.

The UIC continually assesses what society expects and what the healthcare field needs from the nursing profession. It has always adapted to society’s demands by pursuing a new teaching model that is active and makes students think. The model is used to train students to become competent nurses while understanding that competence is not limited to nursing knowledge and skills, but also includes personal attitudes to handle society’s needs and the new challenges facing healthcare services.

The will to serve society drives the UIC to revise this educational model each year with the help of different organizations, one of which is the Expert Committee, which is made up of professionals from different fields representing different areas of healthcare. These experts consult for the UIC and collaborate with it on its quest to create a professional nursing model that addresses real healthcare needs.

The Expert Committee is currently made up of Xavier Mate, the General Director of IDCSalud; Candela Calle, the General Director of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO); Ana Cruz, the Director of Healthcare Processes at IDCSalud; María Antonia Casado, the Regional Nursing Director of Gerencia Metropolitana Sur; Pedro Garzón, the Director of Nursing and Therapy at Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili; Jesús Esteve, the Director of Nursing at Consorci Sanitari Integral; Mar Arce, the Assistant Director of Nursing at the Mútua de Terrassa; Guadalupe Figueiras, the Director of Primary Care at the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS); and Marisa Ridao, the former Strategic Director of Nursing at the Catalan Ministry of Health.