
UIC Professor Coordinates International Book on Theory of History

Humanities professor Fernando Sánchez-Costa, in collaboration with Universitat de Barcelona professor Joan Lluís Palos, is the editor of the recently published book A" vueltas con el pasado. Historia, memoria y vida" ("Insisting on the Past: History, Memory and Life"), published by Universitat de Barcelona Edicions.

The book on historiography, the theory of history and historical culture contains contributions from renowned professors at universities in Spain, Europe, the Americas and Asia, including Dutch professors Frank Ankersmit and Antoon de Baets, Italian professor Francesco Benigno, German professors Heinz Duchhardt and Jörn Rüsen, French professor Jean-Louis Guereña, American professor George Iggers and Chinese professor Shen Han. Xavier Baró, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, also contributed a chapter, as did Humanities professor Fernando Sánchez-Costa.

The book addresses different problems, especially the situation of practical historiography in the postmodern paradigm, i.e. the possibilities, limits and challenges of the current theoretical framework in the field of historiography. The book raises epistemological questions about knowledge and history research. It also discusses the role of historic conscience when forging individual and group identities, as well as new forms of expression of historical culture.

The book also makes special mention of the work done in a new historiographic genre: the autobiography of historians. Another topic discussed in the book is posthumous privacy or the privacy rights of the dead.