
UIC Professor Publishes Book to Improve Legal Writing

Escribir bien es de justicia (Writing Well is a Question of Justice) by Ricardo Jiménez teaches lawyers techniques for legal writing. The book coincides with the Ministry of Justice's recent publication of recommendations for modernizing legal language.

Ricardo Jiménez,
a professor in the UIC Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, recently
presented his new book
Escribir bien es de justicia
(Writing Well is a Question of Justice), which he co-wrote with
Joaquín Mantecón
and which is published by Aranzadi Thomson Reuters.

Escribir bien
es de justicia
teaches lawyers techniques for legal
writing. The book breaks new ground in the Spanish publishing market by promoting
best practices in writing and is recommended for lawyers who want to improve
their writing style as well as newcomers to the legal profession. Using
practical and simple explanations, the book stresses that legal language must
be clear, correct and accurate, since there have been cases in which a single
punctuation mark, such as a comma, has caused problems and led to expensive

book is published by Aranzadi Thomson Reuters, a leading publisher in the field
of law, and comes at a time when the misuse of language by young people and
lawyers is a sensitive topic in the media.

the Ministry of Justice has recently released recommendations for modernizing
legal language. The book therefore responds to a need in Spanish society.