
UIC's University Advisory Committee Awards Grant for Innovative Teaching

A project developed by the UIC's Faculty of Dentistry has won the University Advisory Committee's (CAU) first Grant for Innovative Teaching. The grant is designed to support proposals that pursue excellence.

The project focuses on innovation to improve teaching and assessment methods for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Dentistry’s Department of Surgical Pathology in Dentistry. It is led by Dr. Federico Fernández Alfaro, the Director of the Faculty’s Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and is the recipient of the first Grant for Innovative Teaching, which is awarded by the UIC’s CAU with the support of the Educational Innovation and Quality Service.

The CAU grant is designed to assist the teaching staff by contributing to innovative projects that strive for excellence in teaching by seeking to improve students’ learning processes and the quality of teaching offered at the UIC.

The CAU is made up of 60 members, all of whom come from civil society, and performs consultancy and advisory functions for the UIC, as well as engaging in social promotion. Francesc Homs i Ferret, the President of the CAU, awarded the grant to the Faculty of Dentistry in a ceremony that took place on the Barcelona Campus in the evening of Wednesday, 9 April 2014. During his speech, Homs said, “Promoting teaching and research activities amongst our staff is vital to strengthening our university and striving to achieve excellence”.

Homs also sits on the CAU’s Grants Committee alongside Rafael Barraquer from the Barraquer Centre of Ophthalmology; Frederic Borràs from Banco de Madrid/Banca Privada d’Andorra Group; Carmen Drópez, a Professor of Spanish Language and Literature; Rafael Entrena from the Entrena Cuesta legal firm; Pedro Ferreras from Ferreras Abogados SLP; Carlos Ferrater from OAB Arquitectura; Idelfons García from Compact Response Group; Cristóbal Mezquita, a Professor of Physiology at the UB; Josep Lluís Sanfeliu from YSIOS Capital Partners; Josep Vilà from Grupo Catalana Occidente; Marta Gámiz, the Secretary of the CAU; and Charo García Mangas, the Director of the UIC’s Department of Corporate Development. The committee was chaired by Jaume Armengou, the UIC’s Vice Rector for Academic Organization and the Teaching Staff.

“Thank you for your motivation and eagerness to innovate”, Homs said during the ceremony, before encouraging those present to continue their active participation and carry on promoting their activities and projects. “We’re convinced this grant will provide an excellent start and will be the first of many”, he added.