
Vatech Maintains Commitment to Dentistry Education and Research

The UIC and Vatech have renewed the framework collaboration agreement under which the company loans equipment to the Faculty of Dentistry for the purposes of education, social commitment and research.

Since the original agreement was signed in May 2012, the Faculty of Dentistry has maintained a close association with Vatech, the South Korean multinational and world leader in digital imaging systems and X-ray technology. Under the terms of the agreement, Vatech loaned the university the PAX-Uni3D, a state-of-the-art digital imaging system designed to take dental panoramic radiographs.

The loan has enabled UIC Dentistry students to gain practical experience with the PAX-Uni3D system at the University Dentistry Clinic (CUO), in line with the CUO's guiding principles of innovation, quality education and the use of different techniques and materials. The CUO has 53 dental treatment rooms located in three general clinics, and five treatment rooms in one surgical clinic.

The Vatech and UIC executives who took part in the signing of the renewed agreement were José Cercós de la Vega, the Managing Director of Vatech Spain; Andreu Lagè, Vatech’s Sales Manager for Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia; Joan Vidal, the General Manager of the Faculty of Dentistry and the CUO; Dr. Lluís Giner, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry; Dr. Rufino Bueno, the Director of the CUO; and Susana Saus, the Head of the Research and Industry Relations Service.