
A walk through Literary Barcelona with Professor Sergi Dòria

On Wednesday, 26 September 2012, Professor Sergi Dòria from the UIC Faculty of Communication Sciences gave a lecture at the Bar Association of Barcelona on the history of the Barcelona through literature.

such as Mendoza, Sagarra and Narcís Oller have set their novels
against various Barcelona backdrops and the journalist Sergi Dòria described them through a tour of the different
corners of the city. Places that inspired Cervantes, seduced Marsé and, in more recent times, were popularized
by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, were discovered
through their books.

Dòria, the author of Guía de Barcelona de Carlos Ruiz Zafón
(A Guide to the Barcelona of Carlos Ruiz Zafón),
led a captivated audience on a journey through various readings of literary
excerpts. What remains of the “City of Marvels” described by Eduardo Mendoza,
or the Boqueria market
and historic district depicted in the works of Narcís Oller? These were some of the questions addressed by the journalist.

lecture opened the new season of the “Encounters with History” lecture series,
which is organized by the Bar Association of Barcelona in collaboration with,
and sponsored by, the magazine Historia y Vida (History and Life), with the aim
of introducing lawyers to the world of Humanities. Author Juan Eslava Galán, historian Pilar Queralt and
journalist Màrius Carol
are some of the people who have already taken part in this series of lectures.