Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Applied Medical-Surgical Oral Pathology
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish
Teaching staff
By appointment via e-mail
Lecturer responsible: Dr Jordi Gargallo Albiol
The future European dentist will be what he already is in some countries, i.e., “the specialist of diseases of the teeth, mouth, maxilla and other facial structures”.
Oral Medico-Surgical Pathology includes the study of the diagnosis and treatment (surgical and complementary) of diseases, lesions and defects, congenital and acquired, including the functional and aesthetic aspects, of soft and hard tissues of mouth, maxilla and face.
The limits between medicine and oral and maxillofacial medicine are not clearly defined. Our aim is to provide an integrated view of these pathologies and, additionally, to integrate the medical and surgical therapy aspects. We believe these aspects should not be separate neither from a clinical perspective nor from the educational point of view.
Most patients value a comprehensive education in their dentist, which inspires confidence not only in the manual and technical aspects of the treatment but also in the medical training of the dentist.
The dentist is undoubtedly the specialist best prepared for the prevention, diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of the diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region.
Pre-course requirements
Have passed the degree in Dentistry, having passed all the subjects and having passed the Final Degree Project, or have officially obtained the corresponding validation.
To provide complete theoretical and practical training in pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis and the treatment of pathologies (congenital and acquired anomalies) of the teeth, oral cavity, maxilla and neighbouring tissues.
Oral and maxillofacial region / oral and craniofacial region
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN01 - Relate advanced and specialized concepts in oral surgery, implantology and oral rehabilitation.
- CN02 - Define advanced concepts related to surgical anatomy applied to the oral cavity.
- CN03 - Identify the different types of surgical interventions, aseptic techniques and types of healing of hard and soft tissues.
- CP01 - Plan and rehabilitate patients with unitary, partial and total edentulism with an aesthetic and functional result (adjusting the occlusion and integration of the prosthesis in the patient's mouth and face as a whole).
- CP02 - Diagnose and treat patients' oral cavity lesions conservatively or surgically, as well as their subsequent follow-up.
- CP03 - Resolve complications that may arise before, during and after an oral surgery intervention.
- CP04 - Generate work synergies with professionals from other areas and disciplines by designing joint strategies for action in oral surgery and implantology patients.
- CP05 - Apply advanced surgical and rehabilitative treatments in oral implantology appropriately to any patient, respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, and the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values; using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
- CP08 - Carry out, through prior preparation, an aesthetic and functional oral rehabilitation treatment plan.
- HB01 - Adequately perform the anamnesis and physical examination by systems, face, neck and oral cavity to complete the clinical history, including good graphic documentation (photography and video).
- HB02 - Interpret the different radiological examinations in the field of oral surgery and implantology.
- HB03 - Perform a differential diagnosis of oral pathological lesions and treat them surgically if necessary.
- HB04 - Handle surgical instruments, as well as appliances related to implantology and oral surgery.
- HB06 - Apply the different existing techniques to perform complex dental extractions.
- HB10 - Treat anxiety and pain resulting from surgical treatments in the field of implantology and oral surgery.
Learning outcomes of the subject
- - Biomedical Sciences - LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Identify the main anatomical structures of the head and neck. 2. Recognize macro or microscopic anomalies or alterations that cause pathology in the oral cavity. 3. Identify the different pathogenic microorganisms by applying the necessary laboratory techniques. 4. Make a diagnosis of the different pathologies of the oral cavity based on the interpretation of the results obtained. 5. Analyze and interpret the results obtained to determine the impact of other complex systems. 6. Discuss which actions or drugs are most suitable for the treatment of diagnosed pathologies related to the oral cavity.
- - Oral Surgery and Implantology - LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Perform advanced dissection techniques 2. Make a correct diagnosis of oral medical-surgical pathology and implantology 3. Diagnose oral cavity lesions and the appropriate diagnostic protocols 4. Identify the surgical techniques to place dental implants in different indications 5. Perform dental extractions with different degrees of complexity. 6. Plan surgery, implantology and prosthesis digitally 7. Perform different reconstructive/regenerative techniques in the oral cavity, both hard and soft tissues. 8. Present clinical cases and treatment plans in public and their argued defense
- - Complementary Specialties - LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Work in a multidisciplinary way, especially with the prosthetics, periodontics, orthodontics and endodontics departments. 2. Interpret complementary radiological examinations, especially in a CBCT computed tomography. 3. Simulate surgical and prosthetic interventions in synthetic, animal or virtual models. 4. Make a rehabilitative treatment plan and its alternatives. 5. Know the different diagnostic techniques in oral rehabilitation 6. Diagnose and surgically treat periodontal disease 7. Identify the concepts of dental clinic management 8. Describe the materials and techniques associated with endodontic surgery 9. Simulate surgical interventions in artificial, animal or digital models.
- - External Academic Practices-Clinical Surgery and Implantology - LEARNING OUTCOMES: LEARNING OUTCOMES Title – CN01, CN02, CN03, CN04, HB01, HB02, HB03, HB04, HB05, HB06, HB07, HB08, HB10, CP01, CP02, CP03 , CP04, CP05, CP07, CP08 Subject – At the end of the subject the student will be able to: 1. Carry out an anamnesis, a diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan in oral surgery and implantology 2. Diagnose lesions in the oral cavity and oral cancer diagnostic protocols. 3. Apply appropriate surgical techniques to perform simple and complex dental extractions. 4. Place implants at different times after extraction and different times to load them. 5. Prepare a sterile surgical field following sterilization/disinfection standards 6. Work in a hospital/outpatient environment with sedation and general anesthesia 7. Perform different reconstructive/regenerative techniques in the oral cavity, both hard and soft tissues. 8. Resolve complications of surgical treatments
Block 1: Surgery principles (oral and maxillofacial)
Block 2: Exodontics
Block 3: Alterations of eruption and of dental organogenesis
Block 4: Oral and maxillofacial infectious pathology
Block 5: Cysts of the maxillar bones
Block 6: Basic dental implantology
Teaching and learning activities
In person
1. Master classes
Master classes providing the theoretical basic knowledge in schematic form and with a wealth of graphic material. Time (20 minutes) will be dedicated at the end of the theoretical class for questions, clarifications or any broadening of concepts that the student may require (as a short seminar).
2. Preclinical practical sessions
Preclinical practical sessions will take place in the laboratory and in the University Dental Clinic (CUO) by use of phantoms. These practical sessions will make use of the theoretical knowledge acquired as well as instruments and materials, ergonomics, asepsis, patient monitoring, attitude, and anaesthesia, exodontic and suture techniques.
Students will carry out loco-regional anaesthesia, exodontic and suture procedures on phantoms under the supervision of the lecturer.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
THEORETICAL PART: The theoretical content of the subject will include the information transmitted during the class completed with the content of the recommended bibliography for each topic. The final Theoretical Exam will be multiple-choice questions (4), with a single valid answer. An error in answering a question will subtract 0.25 points.
Bibliography and resources
Hupp JR, Ellis E, Tucker E. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.5 Th. ed. Philadelphia:Ed. Mosby.; 2008.
Michael Miloro. Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ed BC Decker
Neville. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Ed Saunders
Sailer, Pajarola. Oral Surgery for the General Dentist. Ed Thieme
Sapp JP, Eversole LR, Wysocki GP. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 2 nd ed. Philadelphia: Mosby-Elsevier; 2004.
2. Bibliografia de consulta
Atari M, Barajas M, Hernández-Alfaro F, Gil C, Fabregat M, Ferrés-Padró E, Giner L,Casals N. Isolation of pluripotent stem cells from human third molar dental pulp. Histol Histopathol 2011;26:1057-70.
Cawson RA, Odell EW. Cawson fundamenteos de medicina y patología oral.Barcelona: Elsevier; 2009.
Díaz Carandell A, Hernando Chaure A, Ferrés Padró E. Protocolo de actuación ante situaciones de emergencia médica en la CUO. Clínica Universitaria de Odontología. Guía Clínica de aplicación en la CUO Departament de Patologia Mèdico-Quirúrgica i Implantologia Oral. Facultat d’Odontologia. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya;2008.
Gutiérrez J L, Vicente Bagán J, Bascones A, Llamas R, Llena J, Morales A. Documento
de consenso sobre la utilización de profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía y procedimientos
dentales. Rev Esp Cir Oral y Maxilofac 2006;28:151-181.
Hernando Chaure A, Ferrés Padró E. Cirugía oral electiva en pacientes bajo terapia anticoagulante y antiagregante plaquetario. Guía Clínica de aplicación en la CUO. Dpartamento de Patologia Mèdico-Quirúrgica e Implantologia Oral. Facultad de Odontologia.Universitat Internacional de Catalunya;2006.
Kirk RM. Técnicas quirúrgicas básicas. 5a ed. Barcelona: Ed. Elsevier;2003.
Maestre Vera JR. Treatment options in odontogenic infection. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir
Bucal 2004;9 Suppl:25-31;19-24.
Maestre Vera J R, Gómez-Lus Centelles M L. Antimicrobial prophylaxis in oral surgery and
dental procedures. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2007;12:E44-52.
Malamed S.F. Handbook of local anesthesia 5ª ed. Philadelphia: Mosby-Elsevier;2005.
Prats Armengol J, Ferrés Padró E. Estudio comparativo entre las técnicas del bloqueo anestésico de la tercera rama del trigémino (Convencional, de Gow-Gates y de Akinosi) en 120 exodoncias quirúrgicas de terceros molares inferiores.Quintessence 1999; 12:167-174.
Sailer HF, Pajarola GF. Atlas de cirugía oral.Ed. Masson. Barcelona;1997.
Scully C. Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine. The basis of diagnostic and treatment 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone-Elsevier; 2008.
Jorba, J. Asepsia en odontología. Normativa homologada
por el colegio oficial de odontólogos y estomatólogos de
Cataluña y Baleares. COEC
Stapff, KH. Recomendations for surface desinfection (3)
Quintessence J. 1991 Aug 21 ( 8) p 739‐43 .