Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Theory of Knowledge

Theory of Knowledge
Second semester
Structures and systems of development
Sociedad y Cultura
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff





Knowledge is an operation that often leads to error, confusion, failure or skepticism. To clarify this, we need a theory, which is nothing more than an observation from a distance, in order to clarify what is happening to it and what is, if possible, knowledge. From this point of view we will go through the various questions that structure the theory of knowledge: its possibility, its essence and, finally, its origin.

In the background of the subject you will find the question of how knowledge is lived in highly technical societies, often prone to subjectivism and relativism, almost inevitable victims of manipulation and post-truth, but relying on science, in its progress, in its capacity for knowledge and guidance.

Pre-course requirements

No specific requirement.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E01 - Ability to provide a humanistic/cultural vision to other sciences or methods.
  • E02 - Ability to use methods and techniques specific to human sciences.
  • E11 - Ability to interpret data and relate it to appropriate theories.
  • G01 - To analyse and interpret social and cultural environments to identify need, opportunities, weaknesses and strenghts..
  • G02 - To lead, cooordinate and form part of interdisciplinary work teams.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Applies acquired language skills to oral and written expression

2. Write narrative and descriptive texts

3. Acquire key concepts of each of the subjects

4. Know and select specific documentation of the subjects

5. Applies theoretical knowledge in analysis and debates of face-to-face activities and in autonomous work

9. Relate concepts of the different subjects worked in a transversal way

10. Learn to diagnose problems in the intellectual, social and political spheres

11. Read and analyze essays on current topics

13. Applies / transfers theoretical and / or abstract concepts of each subject to real situations


Questions of knowledge

 1. Do we know?




2- What do we know?




3. How do we know?




Teaching and learning activities

In person

Les classes es desenvoluparan sota la forma de lliçons magistrals amb el recolzament de textos seleccionats pel professor que seran comentats participativament a l'aula. Inlcouran metodologies diverses, com flipped classroom, role playing, participació en grups, etc. Al llarg del curs es realitzarà una lectura d'una obra clàssica de la filosofia, especialment il·lustrativa de la teoria del coneixement, a la qual es dedicaran sessions específiques de seminari.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The subject will be evaluated on the basis of various tests carried out at the end of each block (60%) and also on the basis of text commentary work (40%).

In the event that the teaching staff detects plagiarized work or a student copying during an exam, this will notify the Faculty Board which will take the relevant measures, including the automatic obtaining of a grade of 0.0 for that subject going directly to the next call.

Bibliography and resources

Obres clàssiques:

Descartes, Discurs del Mètode

Descartes, Meditacions Metafísiques

Kant,I. Crítica de la razón pura

Husserl, E. La crisis de las ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental

Plato, Eutifró

Plato, Menó

Plato, Teetet


Obras actuales:

Arana, J., El caos del conocimiento: del árbol de las ciencias a la maraña del saber, EUNSA, Pamplona: 2004.

Arana, J., La conciencia inexplicada, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid: 2015.

Diéguez, A., La evolución del conocimiento, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid: 2011.

Gabriel, M., Yo no soy mi cerebro: filosofía de la mente para el siglo XXI, Pasado y Presente, 2016.

Llano, A., El enigma de la representación, Síntesis, Madrid:  1999.

Llano, A., Sueño y vigilia de la razón, EUNSA, Pamplona: 2001.

Llano, A., Gnoseología, EUNSA, Pamplona: 2014.

Llano, A., Maravilla de las maravillas: conocemos, EUNSA, Pamplona: 2016.

Popper, K., Eccles, J., El yo y su cerebro, Labor, 2017.

Yuste, R., El cerebro, el teatro del mundo, Paidós, Barceloan: 2024.