If you participate in UIC Social Day and you enjoy the experience and want to continue helping others during the year, the Solidarity team will be happy to explain how to become a UIC Barcelona Social doer.
In addition, you will discover the true value of the Solidarity Credit that you can add to your academic record.
Thank you for having such a big heart <3
We will never tire of thanking all the companies and organisations for their generosity that has made it possible for us once again to celebrate UIC Social Day in our community. How lucky we are to be surrounded by such beautiful and caring people!
Aste Bcn, Llar d’avis Mira-Sol, Càritas Terrassa, Centre d’Acollida Assís, AIS ajuda a la infància sense recursos, Casa Guadalupe, Hogar de María, Ludàlia, Aura Fundació, BePers Restauració Hospital General de Catalunya i Eurest.