GRE - Neural Systems Plasticity Group (NeuroPlast)

2021 SGR 01335


The mission of the Neural Systems Plasticity group is biological-based research on processing and storage of information in the neural networks, through different lines of research:

  1. The fundamental lines of research are aimed at investigating plasticity and development of small scale neural circuits (synapses, dendritic columns, and individual cells), to the large-scale representation of sensory information (cortical circuits). 
  2. Translational studies include the study of synaptic plasticity and neural computation deficits in neuropsychiatric and developmental diseases such as autism, schizophrenia, and amblyopia.

The group also aims to discover the role of sleep and brain waves in memory consolidation. They use a wide range of technologies such as multiphoton microscopy, in vivo brain imaging, protein trafficking imaging, transgenic animals, photopharmacology, electrophysiology and machine learning.