SDG 3 Health and Population Well-Being

1. Goals being implemented:

3.4 By 2030, reduce premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases by one-third through prevention and treatment, and promote mental health and wellness.

3.5 Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including substance abuse and harmful use of alcohol.

3.c Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training, and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in the least developed countries and small island developing states.

University community members participating in initiatives for the promotion of healthy lifestyles995750384916
People from the university community served in health and wellness programs177228140203
Graduates of health-related professions746518805817

*Some activities of the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 courses were suspended due to COVID-19 and may affect the result of the indicator.

At UIC Barcelona, our various health science research groups stand out for their significant contribution to advancing scientific knowledge and improving treatments in key areas such as genetics, oncology and bioinformatics. These groups are committed to research excellence and work closely with national and international institutions.

2.2. Institutes related to Health Sciences

At UIC Barcelona we have several institutes dedicated to research and innovation in the field of Health Sciences, such as the Bioengineering Institute of Technology, the University Institute for Patient care and the Research Institute for Evaluation and Public Policies. These institutes play a crucial role in the development of new technologies, the improvement of patient care and the evaluation of public health policies. 

2.3. Committees related to Health Sciences

To ensure quality and ethics in our practice and research, UIC Barcelona has several committees specialised in different aspects of ethics and biosafety within Health Sciences, such as the Ethical Care Committee (CEA), the Drug Research Ethics Committee (CEIm) and the BioSafety Committee (CBIOs).

2.4. Chairs related to Health Sciences

At UIC Barcelona, lasting collaborations between the University and companies or institutions are facilitated by business chairs. These chairs not only encourage research and development in their respective fields, but also support the continuing training of health professionals and the implementation of innovative practices in patient care.

For example, the WeCare: End of Life Care Chair is dedicated to improving the quality of life of patients with advanced diseases, promoting a comprehensive and personalised care that addresses both the physical and emotional needs of patients and their families.

In addition, at UIC Barcelona we have other business chairs related to Health Sciences.

3. Education

At UIC Barcelona we are committed to integration, equality and accessibility in our educational courses, aligning ourselves with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Health and Population Well-Being. A comprehensive education should not only address academic knowledge, but also promote healthy habits and adequate mental and physical well-being. We present some of our educational programmes that address the goal of promoting health and well-being.

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5.1.1. Hygiene aspects

Poor gum health increases the risk of heart attack, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. This study is explained by Dr José Nart, head of the Periodontics area at UIC Barcelona and president of the Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osteointegration (SEPA), in an article recently published in The Conversation.

5.1.2. Nutrition

UIC Barcelona develops nutrition programmes that promote a healthy and balanced diet. These programmes include workshops and seminars on the importance of a proper diet for general well-being.

5.1.3. Eating disorders

UIC Barcelona offers support and treatment programmes for people with eating disorders, providing a comprehensive approach that includes medical, psychological and nutritional care.

5.1.4. Sustainable mobility

UIC Barcelona Day of Active Mobility and Healthy Habits. A day of active mobility was held on 27 May 2022, aimed to promote the use of bicycles as a sustainable means of transport and healthy eating habits to take care of individual and planetary health through workshops, lectures and conferences.

5.1.5. Blood drive

UIC Barcelona organises blood donation campaigns to foster solidarity and help save lives.

  • 7 October: a total of 104 donations were made, benefiting 312 people.
    • Barcelona Campus: 33 donations, 15 offers and 6 new donors.
    • Sant Cugat Campus: 71 donations, 22 offers and 38 new donors.
  • 24 February: a total of 87 donations were made, benefiting 261 people.
    • Barcelona Campus: 24 donations, 10 offers and 1 new donor.
    • Sant Cugat Campus: 63 donations, 19 offers and 41 new donors.