SDG 5 Gender equality

Selected goals:

5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.

5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.

5.4 Recognise and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate.

5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.

5.c Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels.

Number of interventions to apply the UIC gender-based violence protocol0000
Percentage of leading female researchers in research groups51,51%51,51%56%37%
Percentage of women occupying academic positions55,73%58,73%60%55%
Percentage of full professors that are women7,69%7,14%8%18%
Percentage of female members of administration and services staff at the university80%77%78%80%

3. Education

The Equality Office and the University’s faculties are currently reviewing the Course Guides for all sixteen UIC Barcelona degree programmes, with the aim of promoting the visibility of women, the use of non-sexist language and a research output broken down by sex in order to obtain more accurate results.

This first phase of the review is published in the chapter “Perspectiva de género y calidad universitaria” (The Gender Perspective and University Quality) from the book Muros de discriminación y exclusión en la construcción de identidades: la mirada de las Ciencias Sociales (Walls of Discrimination and Exclusion in the Construction of Identities: A Social Science Perspective), published in 2021.

3.1 Measuring the University’s data on applications and incoming students

The application, admission and graduation rate of women from university is systematically measured.

This data, reflected in the UIC Barcelona Student Enrolment and Graduation Report for the 2022-2023 academic year, helps us to better understand our progress and ensure equal enrolment among all our students. The report includes data on both undergraduate and postgraduate students, the total number of applicants applying for that academic year, the proportion of women and men enrolled, international students, students from developing countries, and the graduation rates from all degree programmes. The average graduation rate is 66,47%, of which 70,32% are female graduates.

The Equality and Inclusion Office monitors the evolution of equality throughout the institution and takes into account data regarding students and staff (PAS and PDI) broken down by sex.
Analysing these data helps design policies and actions for our different programmes, especially plans for equal opportunities between men and women.

The objectives of these plans form part of the university’s commitment to equality and serve as a guide for eliminating any gaps in representation, access to degree programmes, career progression and pay.

3.2 Specific study support programmes for female students

3.2.1 Mentoring programmes

Below are the University’s various mentoring programmes and the proportion of women involved, and within the first 3 links we show the skills acquired in line with the women’s mentoring schemes.

1. Dentistry Student Mentor Programme: 40% of women.
2. Mentoring programme: 63% of women.
3. Alumni Ambassadors Programme: 71% of women.
4. The CYD Foundation’s Mentoring Programme 2023.

3.2.2  Guidance: All students are assigned an advisor who supports them with tutorials and offers one-to-one academic, professional and personal guidance to help them discover new horizons while at university.

3.2.3 Coaching service or final-year bachelor’s degree students and postgraduate degree students.

3.2.4 The Promotion and Admissions Department provides information on grants and organises activities at the University for prospective students in order to inform them about all degree and double degree programmes and enable them to enrol.The Promotion and Admissions Department provides information on grants and organises activities at the University for prospective students in order to inform them about all degree and double degree programmes and enable them to enrol.

3.2.5 Grants: The University has made a commitment to students to ensure that no-one who wants to study should have to give up their dream for financial reasons. The Grants Unit offers one-to-one guidance to undergraduate and postgraduate and master's degree students who need to access grants and other types of financial aid offered by the University.


Campaña Anual Ningún talento

No Talent Without a Future annual campaign - 2021-2022 academic year | UIC Barcelona

4. Social impact

4.1 Promoting women in STEM

We promote girls' and women's access to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects and careers by setting up outreach and partnership programmes.

We offer information, events and resources in order to help and inspire female students in these fields. 

4.1.1 4.1.1 The Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering began in the 2017-2018 academic year. As an example of outreach, we began the Degree of Bioengineering's promotional campaign, which has inspired many young women to enrol on this degree programme.


Sara Estruch

Sara Estruch: “My experience studying bioengineering”.

4.1.2 Other educational activity was the conference #100tifiques - A path towards research by Dr. Begoña Bosch, on February 11, 2023, on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. She explained the role of bioengineering in her life, showing the achievements of women in science and engineering in an easy and fun way. 60 12-year-old students from a school in Terrassa participated.


Joc de cartes de dones científiques

4.2 Collaboration with other universities 

The Faculty of Education Sciences at UIC Barcelona is collaborating with other universities to promote STEAM skills with an Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

The aim is to help promote STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) skills in pre-school education by developing educational materials and resources that promote sustainability among 3- and 6-year-olds.

The researchers explain how "the new project, which introduces STEAM disciplines as a pathway to understanding sustainability, mainly aims to design a curriculum focused on outdoor STEAM education for sustainability, complementary to the early childhood curriculum, allowing teachers to choose individual resources or learning paths". The project also focuses on overcoming the gender gap and the stereotypes related to STEAM education for girls.

The project is led by the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, with support from the LUMSA (Rome), the Politecnico di Milano, Dublin City University and UIC Barcelona. 

5. Policies

5.1 Non-discrimination policy, including admission and participation in the University

Since its foundation in 1997, UIC Barcelona has been firmly committed to respecting the dignity of each person, their rights, equal opportunities (access, development, promotion and remuneration), and non-discrimination on any grounds (nationality, race, ideology, sex, functional diversity, etc.).

These principles form part of the UIC Barcelona Statutes:

“The University’s universal spirit is open to all kinds of people and does not discriminate on the grounds of religion, nationality, geographic or social origin, sex, race, ideology, or any other, and cultivates a wide range of fields of knowledge. It respects freedom of conscience and legitimate differences of opinion among all members of the university community.”


5.1.1 The Equality and Inclusion Office created in 2019, is part of the Vice-Rectorate of University Community and ensures that the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination for the entire university community (staff and students) is respected, as well as the processes to address harassment in accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights and the objectives of the 20230 Agenda. 

In 2020, the Governing Board approved the Protocol for the Prevention, Evaluation and Intervention of Harassment and the Second Gender Equality Plan (2020-2025) and, in 2022, the Third Equal Opportunities Plan (2022-2026). The protocol and equal opportunity plans are a firm commitment that our university assumes in total concordance with the principles of its founding mission and the different strategic plans that have guided its government.

5.1.2 As regards legislation, the Equality Office has compiled the laws, actions and procedures on which UIC Barcelona bases its policies of gender equality, positive work-life balance, diversity/inclusion/treatment and the gender perspective.

In 2021, Spain’s State Pact on Gender Violence was renewed in order to eradicate violence against women. Our University has been working on a series of measures to help achieve this goal since 2019.

5.1.3 Here is a sample of UIC Barcelona texts that include:

  • Non-discrimination policies
  • Policies that protect anyone who reports discrimination, such as the UIC Barcelona UIC Barcelona harassment prevention, assessment and intervention protocol (2020), and the participation of the university ombudsman in mediation cases.
  • The rules of university coexistence and student disciplinary regime. The aim of the legislation is to promote understanding, peaceful coexistence and respect for democratic values, fundamental rights and public freedom in university activity.
    Accordingly, alternative methods are preferred for resolving conflict which may alter coexistence or prevent the normal development of the essential functions of teaching, research and knowledge transfer, or any other aspect of university life, such as cultural, sports, solidarity activities, etc.
    The elimination of all forms of violence, harassment or discrimination based on sex, national origin, ethnic group, disability, age, state of health, social class, religion or belief, language or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.
  • The Canal Obert:  a channel for communicating any irregular fact or conduct that may occur within the scope of the University, and that may result in an infringement of the legal or regulatory norms that apply to the university community. Regulation: facts relating to situations regulated by the internal legislation of UIC Barcelona. Any conduct or action that violates any ideology, rule, regulation, code, prescription or similar (with a normative nature) established by UIC Barcelona. 

5.2 Maternity and paternity

The University’s maternity and paternity policies are based on current legislation and are included in the equality plans. What's more, maternity protection is supported by the Occupational Risk Prevention Unit.

The University also offers training in parenting skills, family guidance and family policies at the Institute of Advanced Family Studies at UIC Barcelona. In May 2022, it organised the First International Workshop on Family Support, in order to help train people working in this field and as a preventive tool to support individuals and families. Around 850 people from 50 countries took part.


Workshop Internacional

First International Workshop on Family Support | UIC Barcelona

With regard to careers at UIC Barcelona, it is worth noting the high percentage of female teaching and research staff (PDI). In 2022, 52.23% of PDI were women.

6. Activities

dia Internacional de la dona

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

This video shows the University's social commitment, the policies and the culture that supports female talent by highlighting the role of women in research, as well as the importance and impact of researchers on society, and having a successful career in such a competitive sector.

Other activities:

  • Conference: “Women artists paint unique women”.
  • Doctors, but not engineers: female characters and STEM representation in television series, videos and article.
  • Sports: Women’s basketball, football, indoor football and volleyball teams and the Pilates group for female PAS and PDI staff members.