SDG 10 Reduce inequalities

Selected goals:

10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.

10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard.

Number of students with a disability15131723
Number of students that take part in charitable activities (volunteering)148117149161
Percentage of UIC Barcelona staff members with disabilities, compliance with the provisions of the Law on Social Integration of the Disabled (LISMI)2%2%2%2%

* ​Some activities during the 2019/20 academic year were cancelled due to COVID-19, which may have affected the results of the indicator.


At UIC Barcelona we are committed to integration, equality and accessibility in our educational courses, aligning ourselves with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10: Reduced inequalities. Through various innovative programmes and projects, we seek to provide an inclusive education that prepares our students and contributes to a more egalitarian society. In this section, we highlight some of our pioneering studies and programmes that directly address the reduction of inequalities.

Degree Programmes

Bachelor's Degree in Architecture

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture is a pioneer in undergraduate studies on Accessibility, which is included as a core subject in third year. Within the framework of this subject, forty students of the school, accompanied by people with functional diversity from different entities and representatives of the districts of Ciutat Vella and Eixample, participated in the CASBA project for a more accessible trade on 27 October 2022. One of the objectives was to put themselves in the place of people with functional diversity.

Postgraduate Degree in Accessibility: Universal Design

The interactive online Postgraduate Degree in Accessibility: Universal Design in Spanish, has been a worldwide pioneer since 2010. Students specialise in accessibility and become experts in this area in their respective countries, where some work for their governments to improve accessibility regulations and their practical application, applying the criteria acquired in studying “overlooked accessibility” with either a low or non-economic cost. They also incorporate “reasonable adjustments” to achieve universal designs with a normalised and habitual use for all citizens.

Experience Campus

The Experience Campus is a UIC Barcelona centre that offers academic training aimed at people over 65 years of age who have reached retirement. The aim is to keep them active with concrete objectives, and to maintain and increase their network of personal relationships.

The Campus is a member of the European Federation of Older Students (EFOS). At the institutional and international level, the Experience Campus has been the first university programme for seniors in Spain to be accredited by the Erasmus+ agency for student and staff mobility.

Experience Campus: The Voice of Students

Measurement of University access data

The application, admission and graduation rate of underrepresented groups at the University is systematically measured.

This data, reflected in the UIC Barcelona Student Enrolment and Graduation Report for 2022-2023, helps us to better understand our progress and ensure equal enrolment among all our students. The report includes data on both undergraduate and postgraduate students, the total number of applicants applying for that academic year, the proportion of women and men enrolled, international students, underrepresented groups, students coming and scholarship recipients from developing countries, the proportion of low-income students and students with functional diversity.

This information helps the University identify potential areas where inequality may exist, and helps inform strategic direction and future practice.

The Equality and Inclusion Office monitors the evolution of equality throughout the institution, taking into account disaggregated data of students from underrepresented groups. The analysis of these data serves as a basis for the design of policies and actions of different programmes, specifically for equal opportunities plans for all students.

Closing gaps in representation, access to degrees, career promotion and remuneration are the goals of these plans that serve as both guides and commitments.

Support for underrepresented students

At UIC Barcelona we recognise the importance of providing an inclusive and supportive environment for all our students, especially those from underrepresented groups. Below we highlight the initiatives and programmes we have implemented to ensure that all our students have access to the tools and resources needed to reach their full potential.

Personal guidance

All the students of our university, and especially those with functional diversity, have a personal advisor at their disposal who can be addressed at any time of the year. This personalised attention is complemented by actions aimed at providing information, awareness and training on functional diversity to the entire university community.
Teachers can consult the Equality and Inclusion Office, Student Services and their respective faculties on advice about disabilities.

Grants and funding

The University has made a commitment to ensure that no student with an academic aptitude should have to stop studying for financial reasons. The Grants Office offers personalised attention to undergraduate and postgraduate students who need to access grants and other types of funding offered by the University. Students with a degree of disability of 33% or more have a 50% discount on their enrolment fees for bachelor's, master's and postgraduate degrees.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, 177 undergraduate students from developing countries benefited from the UIC Barcelona grants: 109 were women and 68 men. The countries of origin were: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ecuador, Georgia, Guatemala, Equatorial Guinea, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela and China.


 Image: developing countries of origin of students with UIC Barcelona grants.

Social exclusion grants

The Governing Board of the University also approved two social exclusion grants, one for a student from the Philippines and one for a student from Syria.

Grants for refugee students

Jamal Abo Ora is a young man who came as a refugee from Syria and thanks to the help of UIC Barcelona, he was able to enrol and study a bachelor's degree in Dentistry. He graduated with the 2023 class.

Jamal is a young man who arrived as a refugee and finished his bachelor's degree in Dentistry in 2023.

Pilot programme to help refugees in the Lebanon study

Pilot programme that helps refugees in Lebanon to resume their university studies in Catalonia. The programme is the response of Catalan universities to the humanitarian crisis in Europe as a result of the forced displacement of thousands of people due to poverty, war and violence in their countries of origin and who seek a safe, free home where human rights are respected. UIC Barcelona joined the working group promoted by the Secretariat for Equality, Migration and Citizenship of the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Government of Catalonia in October in 2017. The objective of this working group was to launch a programme that would allow refugees in Lebanon who had interrupted university studies in their countries of origin to resume university studies in Catalonia. Thanks to this programme, a student from Syria, refugee in Lebanon, has been able to study at our university. 

Support service for students with functional diversity

This service aims to establish an inclusive and accessible educational policy framework. From a bottom-up approach, it raises awareness and sensitises people interested in the field of higher education to generate a favourable environment for growth and participation of students with functional diversity. This is done actively by taking measures to address access problems, understand obstacles and difficulties faced by students with disabilities, and creating awareness programmes to foster an inclusive culture among all students at the University. It develops guidelines for faculty and student peers with functional diversity and works to design inclusive academic activities and curriculums based on universal design and accessibility.

Upon enrolment, students have access to the support service for students with functional diversity, part of the Vice-Rectorate of University Community.

The programme for study adaptation is aimed at students with functional diversity and includes the following adjustments: extended texts, training in new technologies, adaptation of exam time, classes, videoconferences and online tutoring, recording of classes, seat reservation in classrooms, access to blackboards, adapted furniture and texts in audio format.

Teachers can also make pedagogical adaptations for online training, taking into account the circumstances of the students.

External work placements in companies and institutions for students with disabilities

According to the Internal Regulations governing work placements in companies and institutions of UIC Barcelona, the faculties sign educational collaboration agreements with entities that promote access to internships for students with functional diversity, and make available the human, material and technological resources necessary to ensure equal opportunities.

For these external work placements, each student with functional diversity has an academic tutor from the University, who has all the necessary information to perform this role. The tutor supervises and, if necessary, requests the appropriate provision of the necessary support resources to ensure that students with functional diversity can complete the placement under conditions of equal opportunity, non-discrimination and universal accessibility.

Students will have the necessary resources for access to tutorship, information, evaluation and development of practices related to activities and personal situations derived from or connected to functional diversity.

At the end of the placement, the tutor of the collaborating entity draws up and sends a final report to the academic tutor of the University which includes the number of hours carried out by the student and all the information related to both generic and specific competences provided for in the corresponding training project so that they can be assessed, if appropriate. In the event that the student with functional diversity has difficulties in oral expression, the degree of autonomy regarding this ability will be indicated, and if any type of technical or human resource is required.


College residences

UIC Barcelona is partnered with the college residences of Bonaigua, Pedralbes and Monterols, where students can stay. The facilities of these schools are accessible to people with functional diversity and students can participate in the activities they organise.

The University offers six student accommodation grants. It also has an agreement with university residences that have the means to provide these students with the services they need.

Other accommodation programmes

The Living Together Programme is a non-profit social programme that aims to promote and facilitate intergenerational solidarity and mutual aid relationships.

Impact on society and employment

Fostering a climate of inclusion

At UIC Barcelona we strive to create an environment where everyone feels included and valued. Fostering a climate of inclusion is not only part of our mission, but is also essential for the integral development of our students and the university community as a whole. Below we highlight some of the different volunteer and social care programmes.


Other programmes and activities

UIC Social Day is an annual event organised by UIC Barcelona dedicated to promoting solidarity and social commitment among its university community. During this day various activities and charity missions are offered, such as preparing breakfasts for the homeless, writing Christmas postcards for the elderly and participating in activities with people with functional diversity. Through this initiative, UIC Barcelona fosters inclusion and community support, encouraging all members of the University to contribute to society. 

Collaborations with other institutions

A clear example are the collaboration agreements established between the University Dental Clinic (CUO) of UIC Barcelona with different municipalities and humanitarian organisations. Among others, the clinic has collaborated with the Invulnerables organisation led by Lucía Caram; it has participated in the solidarity project Edugascar; and has organised stays in Melilla where undergraduate students offer oral care and oral health prevention to patients of the Centre for Temporary Immigrant Housing (CETI), as part of the Social Dentistry subject taught by Dr Giner at the Faculty.

At the celebration of the UIC Global Meeting at the Palau de la Música Catalana, as part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the University, an award ceremony was given to recognise the social commitment and professional career of former students, as well as the individuals who promoted social projects. The musical performances that enriched the evening were carried out by students of the Supérate grants programme of the Grupo SIFU Foundation, which promotes the development and training in music and dance of artists with functional diversity.

The Christmas hampers given to the administration and services staff and to the teaching and research staff are entrusted to the company Olivera, which works with people with functional diversity. 

Creating an accessible and inclusive campus

Campus and accessible facilities

Ensuring equal opportunities for all people also includes attention to functional diversity within the campus. Our goal is that all students can achieve full curriculum integration and have measures that make possible their autonomy and mobility within the campus.

The website has an accessibility certification with a level AAA and the virtual campus with a level A, according to the criteria established by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).


Non-discrimination policy, including admission to the University and participation 

Since its foundation in 1997, UIC Barcelona has been firmly committed to respecting the dignity of each person, their rights, equal opportunities (access, development, promotion and remuneration), and non-discrimination on any grounds (nationality, race, ideology, sex, functional diversity, etc.).

These principles are set out in the statutes of UIC Barcelona:

“The University is open with a universal spirit to all kinds of people, without discrimination on the grounds of religion, nationality, geographical or social origin, sex, race, ideology or any other kind, and cultivates a wide variety of knowledge. It respects the freedom of conscience and the legitimate differences of opinion among members of the university community.”

Equality and Inclusion Office

The Equality and Inclusion Office created in 2019, is part of the Vice-Rectorate of University Community and ensures that the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination for the entire university community (staff and students) is respected, as well as the processes to address harassment in accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights and the objectives of the 20230 Agenda. 
It is responsible for advising and implementing policies, programmes and training related to diversity, equality, inclusion and human rights at the University. 

Equality Commission - Who we are

In 2020, the Governing Board approved the Protocol for the Prevention, Evaluation and Intervention of Harassment and the Second Gender Equality Plan (2020-2025) and, in 2022, the Third Equal Opportunities Plan (2022-2026). The protocol and equal opportunity plans are a firm commitment that our university assumes in total concordance with the principles of its founding mission and the different strategic plans that have guided its government.

Workplace inclusion

The Equality and Inclusion Unit ensures the social and workplace inclusion of young people, migrants, people with functional diversity, young people, and working parents. Together with the Department of People Management, it serves the specific needs of functionally diverse people of administrative and service personnel (PAS) and teaching and research staff (PDI).

The Third Equal Opportunities Plan (2022-2026) refers to equality, respect and non-discrimination. And in line with the policy of the People Management Department, equal opportunities and equal pay are mentioned, regardless of sex, nationality, geographical origin or any other circumstance.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, 14 members of the teaching and research staff (PDI) and administrative and service staff (PAS) had some type of functional diversity. 11 members of staff with functional diversity were employed during the 2023-2024 academic year. There are 3 external employees with functional diversity.


The legislation section of the Equality Office includes the laws, actions and procedures that UIC Barcelona follows on equal opportunities, work-family/personal reconciliation, diversity, inclusion, equal treatment and non-discrimination on the basis of gender. 

In 2021, the State Pact against Gender Violence in Spain was renewed to eradicate violence against women. Our university has been working since 2019 a series of measures to achieve this.

Selection of texts by UIC Barcelona

Below is a selection of non-discrimination policy texts from UIC Barcelona: 

  • Non-discrimination policies
  • Policy protecting those reporting discrimination, such as the UIC Barcelona UIC Barcelona harassment prevention, assessment and intervention protocol (2020), and the participation of the university ombudsman in mediation cases.
    The rules of university coexistence and student disciplinary regime. The aim of the legislation is to promote understanding, peaceful coexistence and respect for democratic values, fundamental rights and public freedom in university activity.
    Accordingly, alternative methods are preferred for resolving conflict which may alter coexistence or prevent the normal development of the essential functions of teaching, research and knowledge transfer, or any other aspect of university life, such as cultural, sports, solidarity activities, etc.
    The elimination of all forms of violence, harassment or discrimination based on sex, national origin, ethnic group, disability, age, state of health, social class, religion or belief, language or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.
  • The Canal Obert:  a channel for communicating any irregular fact or conduct that may occur within the scope of the University, and that may result in an infringement of the legal or regulatory norms that apply to the university community. Regulation: facts relating to situations regulated by the internal legislation of UIC Barcelona. Any conduct or action that violates any ideology, rule, regulation, code, prescription or similar (with a normative nature) established by UIC Barcelona.